Estate Planning

How fast do people spend an inheritance?

You spend years building up your wealth. Maybe it takes decades. You put money and assets aside to pass on to your children.But how long is that really going to last? After you leave the money to your children, how fast do you think that they're going to spend...

6 things you may need in your estate plan

Your estate plan probably starts with a will. It's the most basic document expressing what you want to happen with your estate after you pass away.However, some people make the mistake of assuming that this is all they need. The reality is that this is just the...

What’s a joint tenancy for real estate?

Sometimes, you can use a joint tenancy to bypass the need for real estate property to go through the probate process after you've passed away. You might buy a piece of property together with another person -- like your spouse -- and set up the ownership as joint...

What’s special about a Totten trust?

There are so many varieties of trusts that it's difficult to keep track of them all. These trusts can also drafted in a number of ways, which makes it tricky to know exactly what to do for an inexperienced trust planning attorney, and especially for a layperson who...