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The Ballad of George P. Burdell

Whether April Fools' Day is a time-honored western tradition or a tired, unfunny festival of eyerolls depends on who you ask. Ask the mom who just got blasted with water via the old "rubber band on the sink sprayer" trick, and you'll probably find the latter. But ask the kid who planted the trap, and you'll get a hearty, cackling ... CONTINUE READING

3 Great Opening Days in Baseball

Baseball's opening day has been an American holiday of sorts since the Cincinnati Red Stockings threw out the first major league pitch in 1869. To celebrate the start of the 150th season of professional baseball, here are three of the best opening days in ... CONTINUE READING

Should You Skip Breakfast?

Sometimes you skip breakfast simply because you don't have time to eat. Other times, you skip breakfast because nothing really appeals to you. This is a common occurrence for many people across the country. But when you skip breakfast, you may find that you feel just fine. It begs the question: Is breakfast really that important? Do you ... CONTINUE READING

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